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When to Request an Eye Exam for Your Child

girl at an eye exam

Parents often think about their child’s physical and mental development, but what about their vision? Did you know that one in four school-aged children has an undiagnosed vision problem?

In this article, we’ll explore the key signs that your child might need an eye exam. We will also look at how Ada Vision Center supports their visual health every step of the way.

Why Eye Exams are Important

Children rely heavily on their vision for learning and interacting with the world around them. According to the American Optometric Association, approximately 80% of learning occurs through visual processing. Despite this, many vision problems go undiagnosed simply because children may not be aware of or able to communicate their difficulties. Early eye exams are important for detecting issues impacting your child’s educational and social development.

Common Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Exam

1. Frequent Squinting

Squinting is one of the most common signs your child might struggle to see clearly. Squinting reduces the amount of light entering the eye and temporarily improves focus. If you notice your child squinting often, especially when trying to see distant objects, it could indicate nearsightedness (myopia).

2. Sitting Too Close to Screens

If your child prefers to sit very close to the television, holds a book close to their face, or brings their tablet or smartphone unusually close to their eyes, this might be a sign of nearsightedness. Children may do this to compensate for blurry vision at a distance.

3. Complaints of Headaches or Eye Strain

Children may not always vocalize vision problems, but frequent headaches, particularly after reading or doing close-up work, can be a symptom of eye strain. This strain often occurs when the eyes work too hard to focus, which can signify farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism.

4. Covering One Eye or Tilting Their Head

If your child covers one eye or tilts their head to one side when focusing on something, it may indicate that one eye is stronger than the other. This behavior can indicate amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (crossed eyes).

5. Difficulty Concentrating

Vision problems can make it challenging for children to concentrate, especially during activities that require focus, such as reading or doing homework. If your child struggles to stay on task or seems unusually distracted, it might be worth considering an eye exam to rule out vision-related issues.

6. Avoiding Reading or Other Close-Up Activities

Children with vision problems may avoid activities that require close-up focus, such as reading or drawing. They might lose their place while reading or complain that the letters are blurry or moving on the page.

7. Frequent Eye Rubbing

While it’s normal for children to rub their eyes when they’re tired, frequent eye rubbing during the day may indicate that your child is experiencing discomfort due to eye strain or vision problems. Allergies can also cause eye rubbing, so it’s important to determine the underlying cause.

Ada Vision Center’s Approach to Pediatric Eye Care

Our pediatric eye care aims to detect a wide range of vision issues early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

  1. Comprehensive Eye Exams: Our child-friendly eye exams are thorough and gentle, ensuring your child feels comfortable throughout the process. We use the latest technology to assess your child’s vision and eye health.
  2. Myopia Management: If your child is diagnosed with nearsightedness, we offer myopia management programs to help slow progression. This can reduce the risk of severe eye conditions later in life, such as retinal detachment or glaucoma.
  3. Prescription Glasses and Contact Lenses: If your child needs corrective lenses, we provide a wide selection of stylish, durable, and child-friendly frames. We also offer contact lens fittings for older children and teens to ensure the best possible vision and comfort.
  4. Educational Support: We work closely with parents and teachers to ensure your child’s vision needs are met at home and in school. We provide guidance on supporting your child’s visual development and address any concerns you may have.

At Ada Vision Center, we’re committed to providing quality care for your child’s eyes, helping them see clearly and succeed in all their endeavors. If you’ve noticed any signs that your child might need an eye exam, don’t wait — request an appointment with us.

Ensures Clear Vision for Your Child

Vision is a critical component of your child’s development. By recognizing the signs of potential vision problems and requesting an eye exam at Ada Vision Center in Boise, you’re taking an important step in safeguarding your child’s future.

Together, we can ensure your child’s vision remains clear and healthy, setting them up for success both in school and beyond.